React Native SDK

SDK Installation

Package Installation


Install airbridge-react-native-sdk using npm.

npm install --save airbridge-react-native-sdk

React-native link or cocoapods

Execute the following command.

cd ios
pod install
react-native link airbridge-react-native-sdk

Project Setup


Add the following code to the index.js file of the project to import the Airbridge SDK.

import Airbridge from 'airbridge-react-native-sdk';

Project Setup (Android)

Add the following code to the onCreate function within the android/app/src/main/java/.../ file.

import co.ab180.airbridge.reactnative.AirbridgeRN;


public void onCreate() {
    AirbridgeRN.init(this, "YOUR_APP_NAME", "YOUR_APP_TOKEN");

APP_NAME can be found at the "Airbridge dashboard → Settings → Tokens → App Name".
APP_TOKEN can be found at the "Airbridge dashboard → Settings → Tokens → App SDK Token".

Project Setup (iOS)


Add the following code to the import section of the ios/[Project Name]/AppDelegate.m file.

#import <AirbridgeRN/AirbridgeRN.h>
import AirbridgeRN


Use a bridge header if you are using Swift.

Add the following code to the application:idFinishLaunchingWithOptions: function within the ios/[Project Name]/AppDelegate.m file.

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
    [AirbridgeRN getInstance:@"YOUR_APP_TOKEN" appName:@"YOUR_APP_NAME" withLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
func application(_ application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplication.LaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool {
    AirbridgeRN.getInstance("YOUR_APP_TOKEN", appName:"YOUR_APP_NAME", withLaunchOptions:launchOptions)

APP_NAME can be found at the "Airbridge dashboard → Settings → Tokens → App Name".
APP_TOKEN can be found at the "Airbridge dashboard → Settings → Tokens → App SDK Token".

React Native Settings


  1. Create an airbridge.json file in the project folder.
  2. Configure settings in JSON format.

When using React Native 0.59.X or lower with iOS, the below setup is needed for iOS.

  1. Go to "Xcode → Project file → Build Phases → Copy Bundle Resources".
  2. Click "+" and add airbridge.json file.


    "sessionTimeoutSeconds": 300,
    "autoStartTrackingEnabled": true,
    "userInfoHashEnabled": true,
    "trackAirbridgeLinkOnly": false,
    "facebookDeferredAppLinkEnabled": false,
    "locationCollectionEnabled": false,
    "trackingAuthorizeTimeoutSeconds": 30000,
    "sdkSignatureSecretID": "YOUR_SDK_SIGNATURE_SECRET_ID",
    "sdkSignatureSecret": "YOUR_SDK_SIGNATURE_SECRET",
    "logLevel": "warning"


trackingAuthorizeTimeoutSeconds in the above code is the default value. Please adjust accordingly depending on your user experience and ATT prompt settings. Please refer to Tracking Authorize Timeout Settings for more details.

sessionTimeoutSecondsNumber300An app open event will not be sent when the app is reopened within the designated period.
autoStartTrackingEnabledBooleantrueWhen set to false, no events will be sent until Airbridge.state.startTracking() is called.
userInfoHashEnabledBooleantrueWhen set to false, user email and user phone information are sent without being hashed.
trackAirbridgeLinkOnlyBooleanfalseWhen set to true, deep link events are sent only when app is opened with an Airbridge deep link.
facebookDeferredAppLinkEnabledBooleanfalseWhen set to true and the Facebook SDK is installed, Facebook Deferred App Link data is collected.
locationCollectionEnabledBooleanfalseWhen set to true, location information is collected. (Android Only)

Two permissions must be allowed in AndroidManifest.xml
trackingAuthorizeTimeoutSecondsNumber0When timeout is set, Install event is delayed until Request tracking authorization alert is clicked. (iOS only)
sdkSignatureSecretIDStringnullProtects against SDK spoofing. Both sdkSignatureSecretID and sdkSignatureSecret values must be applied.
sdkSignatureSecretStringnullProtects against SDK spoofing. Both sdkSignatureSecretID and sdkSignatureSecret values must be applied.
logLevelStringWarningAdjusts the log record level for Airbridge.
logLevel: "debug" | "info" | "warning" | "error" | "fault"

Testing the SDK

Check if install events are sent when the application is installed and opened.

Check in the Airbridge Dashboard

Events from the Airbridge SDK are shown at the "Airbridge Dashboard → Raw Data → App Real-time Logs".

  1. Go to the "Airbridge Dashboard → Raw Data → App Real-time Logs".
  2. Search for the device's ADID (IDFA, IDFV, GAID).

Logs may be delayed for up to 5 minutes.

Deep Link Setup

Dashboard Setup

Please refer to the following guides for setting up deep links in the Airbridge dashboard.

Project Setup


Register a function that will be called whenever a deep link or a deferred deep link opens the application.

Airbridge.deeplink.setDeeplinkListener((deeplink) => {
    // code that will run when a deep link or deferred deep link occurs
    // deeplink = YOUR_SCHEME://...


All deep links that open apps are sent to DeeplinkCallback
Of those deep links, "Airbridge deep links" will be sent using the URI Scheme (YOUR_SCHEME://...) that was set in the Airbridge dashboard.

Project Setup (Android)


In the MainActivity section of the android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file, add android:LaunchMode and intent-filter parameters as below.

<activity android:name=".MainActivity"
    <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

        <data android:scheme="http" android:host="" />
        <data android:scheme="https" android:host="" />
    <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

        <data android:scheme="http" android:host="" />
        <data android:scheme="https" android:host="" />
        <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />

        <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
        <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />

        <data android:scheme="YOUR_SCHEME" />

Enter your app name at APP_NAME.
Enter your scheme value set in the Airbridge dashboard at YOUR_SCHEME. (e.g. abc://)

Insert the following code in the android/app/src/main/java/.../ file.

protected void onResume() {


public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {

Project Setup (iOS)


  1. Go to "Xcode → Project file → Info → URL Types".
  2. From the Airbridge dashboard, copy "iOS URI Scheme" to Xcode's "URL Schemes". (Do not include ://)

Universal Link

  1. Go to "Xcode → Project file → Signing & Capabilities".
  2. Click "+ Capability" and add "Associated Domains".
  3. Add to "Associated Domains".
  4. Add to "Associated Domains".

YOUR_APP_NAME can be found at the "Airbridge dashboard → Settings → Tokens → App Name".
Please refer to Troubleshooting → Webcredentials if you want to use the autofill feature.

Send Deep Link Information to SDK

  1. Open ios/[Project name]/AppDelegate.
  2. Send deeplink information to the SDK when the application is opened through schemes by calling the handleURLSchemeDeeplink method at the beginning of the following function.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
            openURL:(NSURL *)url
            options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey, id>*)options
    NSLog(@"openURL : %@", url);

    [AirbridgeRN.deeplink handleURLSchemeDeeplink:url];

    return YES;
func application(_ app: UIApplication,
                 open url: URL,
                 options: [UIApplication.OpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool
    NSLog(@"openURL : %@", url)

    return true
  1. When targeting iOS 8.x or earlier, also call the handleURLSchemeDeeplink method at the beginning of the following function.
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application
    NSLog(@"openURL : %@", url);

    [AirbridgeRN.deeplink handleURLSchemeDeeplink:url];

    return YES;
func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                 open url: URL,
                 sourceApplication: String?,
                 annotation: Any) -> Bool
    NSLog(@"openURL : %@", url)

    return true;
  1. Send deep link information to the SDK when the application is opened through an universal link by calling the handleUniversalLink method at the beginning of the following function.
-  (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application
  restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray* _Nullable))restorationHandler
    NSLog(@"continueUserActivity : %@", userActivity.webpageURL);

    [AirbridgeRN.deeplink handleUniversalLink:userActivity.webpageURL];

    return YES;
func application(_ application: UIApplication,
                 continue userActivity: NSUserActivity,
                 restorationHandler: @escaping ([UIUserActivityRestoring]?) -> Void) -> Bool
    if let webpageURL = userActivity.webpageURL {
        NSLog("continueUserActivity : %@", webpageURL)
    return true

Custom Domain Setup (Optional)

Please refer to the below guides to setup your custom domain with Airbridge.

iOS: Guide
Android: Guide

Test Deep Link

Click on your URI scheme to test if your deep link has been properly set up in the Airbridge SDK.


The results will show on the "Airbridge dashboard → Row Data → App Real-time Log" tab if everything is working.

User Setup

User Identifier Setup

Once a user identifier information is sent to the SDK, all events thereafter will contain the corresponding user identifier information.

IDUser ID-
emailUser EmailHashed by default
(SHA256, can be disabled)
phoneUser phone numberHashed by default
(SHA256, can be disabled)
attributesUser attributes- Maximum 100 attributes
- "key" type is string, maximum 128 characters
- "key" must satisfy ^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$ regex
- "value" type is primitive or string
- Maximum 1024 characters when "value" is string
aliasAnother User ID- Maximum 10 aliases
- "key" type is String, maximum 128 characters
- "key" must satisfy ^[a-z_][a-z0-9_]*$ regex
- `"value" type is String, maximum 1024 characters


    ID: 'personID1',
    email: '',

    email: '',
    phone: '1(123)123-1234',

    ID: 'personID3',

The above code operates in the following order.

  1. User = { ID: 'personID1', email: '' }
  2. User = { ID: 'personID1', email: '', phone: '1(123)123-1234' }
  3. User = { ID: 'personID3', email: '', phone: '1(123)123-1234)' }

User Attribute Setup

Additional user attributes can be set for various purposes such as MTA (Multi-Touch Attribution) analysis, internal data analysis and 3rd party solution integrations.

    attributes: {
      age_group: "30",
      gender: "Female"


Make sure that your user information settings are being properly sent through the SDK.

  1. Configure user identifier information.
  2. Send an event using the SDK.
  3. Click the event at "Airbridge dashboard → Raw Data → App Real-time Logs"
  4. Check if the user information is correctly sent under the user block.

Device Setup

Setup Device Alias

Setup a device alias through the Airbridge SDK. The alias will be sustained even after the app closes, unless otherwise deleted.

Airbridge.setDeviceAlias("ADD_YOUR_KEY", "AND_YOUR_VALUE");
setDeviceAlias(key: string, value: string)Add the key value pair to the device identifier.
removeDeviceAlias(key: string)Delete the corresponding device alias.
clearDeviceAlias()Delete all device aliases.

Event Setup

When important user actions occur, in-app events can be sent to measure the performance of each channel.

All event parameters are optional. However, more information about the event will help provide a more accurate analysis.

action, label, value, customAttributes and semanticAttributes can be used for event options.

 * Send event to server.
 * @param {string} category event name
 * @param {EventOption} [option={}] event options
trackEvent(category: string, option?: EventOption): void;

User Events

Send user events with the SDK.

action, label, value, customAttributes and semanticAttributes can be used for user events.

Sign Up

User identifiers are set with setUser and then sent with AirbridgeCategory.SIGN_UP for user sign ups.

    ID: 'personID1',
    email: '',
    phone: '1(123)123-1234',

Sign In

User identifiers are set with setUser and then sent with AirbridgeCategory.SIGN_IN for user logins.

    ID: 'personID1',
    email: '',
    phone: '1(123)123-1234',

Sign Out

Send the sign out event with AirbridgeCategory.SIGN_OUT, and then reset the user identifiers with Airbridge.state.setUser({}).


E-commerce Events

Send e-commerce events with the SDK.

action, label, value, customAttributes and semanticAttributes can be used for e-commerce events.
It is possible to include product information using semanticAttributes. Custom key values can be used along with the pre-defined values.

View Home Screen


View Product Detail

Airbridge.trackEvent(AirbridgeCategory.PRODUCT_DETAILS_VIEW, {
    semanticAttributes: {
        [AirbridgeAttributes.PRODUCTS]: [
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRODUCT_ID]: 'coke_zero',
                [AirbridgeProduct.NAME]: 'Coke Zero',
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRICE]: 1.99,
                [AirbridgeProduct.CURRENCY]: 'USD',
                [AirbridgeProduct.POSITION]: 1,
                [AirbridgeProduct.QUANTITY]: 1,

View Product List

Airbridge.trackEvent(AirbridgeCategory.PRODUCT_LIST_VIEW, {
    semanticAttributes: {
        [AirbridgeAttributes.PRODUCT_LIST_ID]: 'ID-1234567890'
        [AirbridgeAttributes.PRODUCTS]: [
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRODUCT_ID]: 'coke_zero',
                [AirbridgeProduct.NAME]: 'Coke Zero',
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRICE]: 1.99,
                [AirbridgeProduct.CURRENCY]: 'USD',
                [AirbridgeProduct.POSITION]: 1,
                [AirbridgeProduct.QUANTITY]: 1,
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRODUCT_ID]: 'burger_cheese_double',
                [AirbridgeProduct.NAME]: 'Double Cheeseburger',
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRICE]: 3.99,
                [AirbridgeProduct.CURRENCY]: 'USD',
                [AirbridgeProduct.POSITION]: 2,
                [AirbridgeProduct.QUANTITY]: 1,

View Search Result

Airbridge.trackEvent(AirbridgeCategory.SEARCH_RESULT_VIEW, {
    semanticAttributes: {
        [AirbridgeAttributes.QUERY]: 'product'
        [AirbridgeAttributes.PRODUCTS]: [
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRODUCT_ID]: 'coke_zero',
                [AirbridgeProduct.NAME]: 'Coke Zero',
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRICE]: 1.99,
                [AirbridgeProduct.CURRENCY]: 'USD',
                [AirbridgeProduct.POSITION]: 1,
                [AirbridgeProduct.QUANTITY]: 1,
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRODUCT_ID]: 'burger_cheese_double',
                [AirbridgeProduct.NAME]: 'Double Cheeseburger',
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRICE]: 3.99,
                [AirbridgeProduct.CURRENCY]: 'USD',
                [AirbridgeProduct.POSITION]: 2,
                [AirbridgeProduct.QUANTITY]: 1,

Add to cart

Airbridge.trackEvent(AirbridgeCategory.ADD_TO_CART, {
    semanticAttributes: {
        [AirbridgeAttributes.CART_ID]: 'ID-1234567890',
        [AirbridgeAttributes.CURRENCY]: 'USD',
        [AirbridgeAttributes.TOTAL_VALUE]: 5.98,
        [AirbridgeAttributes.PRODUCTS]: [
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRODUCT_ID]: 'coke_zero',
                [AirbridgeProduct.NAME]: 'Coke Zero',
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRICE]: 1.99,
                [AirbridgeProduct.CURRENCY]: 'USD',
                [AirbridgeProduct.POSITION]: 1,
                [AirbridgeProduct.QUANTITY]: 1,
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRODUCT_ID]: 'burger_cheese_double',
                [AirbridgeProduct.NAME]: 'Double Cheeseburger',
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRICE]: 3.99,
                [AirbridgeProduct.CURRENCY]: 'USD',
                [AirbridgeProduct.POSITION]: 2,
                [AirbridgeProduct.QUANTITY]: 1,


Airbridge.trackEvent(AirbridgeCategory.ORDER_COMPLETED, {
    semanticAttributes: {
        [AirbridgeAttributes.TRANSACTION_ID]: 'transactionID-purchase',
        [AirbridgeAttributes.CURRENCY]: 'USD',
        [AirbridgeAttributes.TOTAL_VALUE]: 5.98,
        [AirbridgeAttributes.IN_APP_PURCHASED]: true,
        [AirbridgeAttributes.PRODUCTS]: [
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRODUCT_ID]: 'coke_zero',
                [AirbridgeProduct.NAME]: 'Coke Zero',
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRICE]: 1.99,
                [AirbridgeProduct.CURRENCY]: 'USD',
                [AirbridgeProduct.POSITION]: 1,
                [AirbridgeProduct.QUANTITY]: 1,
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRODUCT_ID]: 'burger_cheese_double',
                [AirbridgeProduct.NAME]: 'Double Cheeseburger',
                [AirbridgeProduct.PRICE]: 3.99,
                [AirbridgeProduct.CURRENCY]: 'USD',
                [AirbridgeProduct.POSITION]: 2,
                [AirbridgeProduct.QUANTITY]: 1,

Verify Event Transmission

Make sure that the events are being properly sent through the SDK.

  1. Send an event with the SDK.
  2. Check if the event shows up at "Airbridge dashboard → Raw Data → Web Real-time Logs".

Advanced Setup

SDK Signature Setup

Protection against SDK spoofing is possible once you set your SDK Signature.
This feature is available for the Airbridge React Native SDK v2.3.0 and above.

  • Add the following lines in the airbridge.json file.
    "sdkSignatureSecretID": "YOUR_SDK_SIGNATURE_SECRET_ID",
    "sdkSignatureSecret": "YOUR_SDK_SIGNATURE_SECRET"


Please ask your CSM for the "SDK Signature Secret ID" and "SDK Signature Secret" values.

Session Timeout

Configure the sessionTimeoutSeconds parameter of airbridge.json. App open events will not be sent again if the user re-opens the app within the sessionTimeoutSeconds value.

Session timeout is in milliseconds and must range between 0 and 604800000 (7 days).
Default value is 1000 60 5 (5 minutes).

Hash User Indentifier

Email addresses and phone numbers are hashed by default. (SHA256)
You can stop hashing email and phone information by configuring the userInfoHashEnabled parameter of airbridge.json.


You must take appropriate measures internally when personal information is not hashed.

Track Facebook Deferred App Links

The Airbridge SDK can track Facebook Deferred App Links by utilizing the facebookDeferredAppLinkEnabled parameter of airbridge.json.

  1. Install the Facebook SDK:
  2. Set facebookDeferredAppLinkEnabled of airbridge.json to true.


The Facebook SDK must be configured beforehand. Reference

Track Airbridge Deep Links Only

The SDK will send all deep link events when the app is opened using a deep link.
If you're having difficulty tracking the re-engagement performance due to various deep link actions within the app, set trackAirbridgeLinkOnly of Airbridge API Reference to true. The SDK will only send deep link events that use Airbridge deep links.

Airbridge deep links are defined as...

  • Deep links registered on the Airbridge dashboard
  • deep links
  • deep links
  • Contains the airbridge_referrer query information

Privacy Protection (Opt-Out)

When autoStartTrackingEnabled of airbridge.json is set to false, the Airbridge SDK will not send events to the Airbridge server until the Airbridge.state.startTracking method is called.

This feature is useful for compliances such as GDPR and CCPA.

Tracking Authorize Timeout (iOS only)

When the AppTrackingTransparency.framework is used to present an app-tracking authorization request to the user, IDFA will not be collected when the install event occurs because the install event occurs before the selection.

When trackingAuthorizeTimeoutSeconds of airbridge.json is set to true, the install event will be sent after the timeout period or delayed until an ATT option is selected.

Location Tracking (Android Only)

Track a user's location through the locationCollectionEnabled parameter of the airbridge.json file.


Location information must be collected for legal purposes only.


This function is available for Android only, and the following permissions must be allowed in AndroidManifest.xml.

uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_FINE_LOCATION" /
uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION" /

Tracking Link Execution

Use the code below to execute and track deep links in the app.'', 'ablog://main', '');


The click function adds a "click" statistic to the corresponding tracking link, then moves to the pre-set app, web or fallback.
Call the click function when the tracking link is clicked on.

The deep link and fallback are "backup links" used when there is no Internet connection.
Deep link parameters are only available in Custom URL Scheme format.
(All these parameters are optional)


The impression function adds an "impression" statistic to the corresponding tracking link.
Call the impression function when the tracking is displayed.

If you are using a "custom domain" for your tracking link, it can not be used with a "custom short ID".
example: -> Not possible
example: -> Possible
example: -> Possible

Get deviceUUID

await Airbridge.state.deviceUUID()

Uninstall tracking


This feature is available only for React Native SDK v2.1.0+.

  • Airbridge Android SDK v2.6.0+
  • Airbridge iOS SDK v1.28.2+

Please refer to this guide for details.

Send Push Token


Forward the push token to Airbridge using the registerPushToken method.
Make sure the notification is not shown on the device if the remote message value is airbridge-uninstall-tracking.

Hybrid App Setup

Additional events such as app installs, app open and deep link opens can't be tracked with just the web SDK. The following simple setup allows in-app events to be called for a hybrid app.

let webInterface = Airbridge.createWebInterface(
        (command) => { 
            return `...`;

Airbridge.CreateWebInterface allows you to control the web interface.

Please refer to the React Native Hybird App Integration Guide for more information.


Update 1.X.X → 2.X.X

The event API has been replaced to the below.

 * Send event to server.
 * @param {string} category event name
 * @param {EventOption} [option={}] event options
trackEvent(category: string, option?: EventOption): void;

Refer to the React native 2.X.X migration guide for details.

Bitcode Compile Error

An error like below may occur when creating iOS builds with React Native SDK v1.5.0+.

ld: XCFrameworkIntermediates/AirBridge/AirBridge.framework/AirBridge(AirBridge-arm64-master.o)' does not contain bitcode. You must rebuild it with bitcode enabled (Xcode setting ENABLE_BITCODE)

Since React Native SDK v1.5.0+ uses Airbridge iOS SDK v1.28.0+, Bitcode is no longer supported. Please refer to the Bitcode compile error guide for more details.

Update 1.1.X → 1.2.X


Change version of Airbridge React Native SDK in package.json.

    "airbridge-react-native-sdk": "1.2.1",

Execute the following command.

npm install
cd ios
pod install
npm install
react-native link airbridge-react-native-sdk


  1. Modify android/app/src/main/java/.../MainActivity
-     AirbridgeRN.getDeeplink().fetch(getIntent())
+     AirbridgeRN.processDeeplinkData(getIntent())


  1. Modify ios/[Project Name]/AppDelegate
-     AirbridgeRN.deeplink()?.handleURLSchemeDeeplink(url, withSourceBundle: sourceApplication)
+     AirbridgeRN.deeplink()?.handleURLSchemeDeeplink(url)


  1. Add an airbridge.json file to the project folder.
  2. Add the parameters shown in the example below in JSON format.
    "sessionTimeoutSeconds": 300,
    "autoStartTrackingEnabled": true,
    "userInfoHashEnabled": true,
    "trackAirbridgeLinkOnly": false,
    "facebookDeferredAppLinkEnabled": false,
    "locationCollectionEnabled": false
    "trackingAuthorizeTimeoutSeconds": 0
sessionTimeoutSecondsnumber300An app open event will not be sent when the app is reopened within the designated period.
autoStartTrackingEnabledbooleantrueWhen set to false, no events will be sent until airbridge.state.startTracking() is called.
userInfoHashEnabledbooleantrueWhen set to false, user email and user phone information are sent without being hashed.
trackAirbridgeLinkOnlybooleanfalseWhen set to true, deep link events are sent only when app is opened with an Airbridge deep link.
facebookDeferredAppLinkEnabledbooleanfalseWhen set to true and the Facebook SDK is installed, Facebook Deferred App Link data is collected.
locationCollectionEnabledbooleanfalseWhen set to true, location information is collected. (Android Only)

Two permissions must be allowed in AndroidManifest.xml
trackingAuthorizeTimeoutSecondsnumber0When set timeout, Install event is delayed until Request tracking authorization alert is clicked. (iOS only)

Update 1.0.X → 1.1.X


Uninstall the old version of the Airbridge SDK.

npm uninstall react-native-airbridge-bridge

Install the new version of the Airbridge SDK.

npm install --save airbridge-react-native-sdk

After Installation, execute the following command.

cd ios
pod install
react-native link airbridge-react-native-sdk


Remove the getInitialDeeplink function and use the setDeeplinkListener function only.

- Airbridge.deeplink.getInitialDeeplink().then((deeplink) => {
- });
. Airbridge.deeplink.setDeeplinkListner((deeplink) => {
. });



In the MainActivity section of the android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml file, add intent-filter parameters as below.

+ <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
+     <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
+     <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
+     <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
+     <data android:scheme="http" android:host="" />
+     <data android:scheme="https" android:host="" />
+ </intent-filter>
. <intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
.     <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
.     <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
.     <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
.     <data android:scheme="http" android:host="" />
.     <data android:scheme="https" android:host="" />
. </intent-filter>
. <intent-filter>
.     <action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
.     <category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
.     <category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
.     <data android:scheme="EXAMPLE_SCHEME" />
. </intent-filter>

Modify android/app/src/main/java/.../ as below.

. import co.ab180.airbridge.reactnative.AirbridgeRN;
. public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {
+     @Override
+     protected void onResume() {
+         super.onResume();
+         AirbridgeRN.getDeeplink().fetch(getIntent());
+     }
.     @Override
.     public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
.         super.onNewIntent(intent);
.         setIntent(intent);
.     }
. }


Universal Link
  1. Go to "Xcode → Project file → Signing & Capabilities".
  2. Click "+ Capability" and add "Associated Domains".
  3. Add to "Associated Domains".

YOUR_APP_NAME can be found at the "Airbridge dashboard → Settings → Tokens → App Name".


Modify ios/.../AppDelegate.m as below.

. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
.             openURL:(NSURL *)url
.             options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey, id>*)options
. {
-     [AirbridgeRN.instance handleURLSchemeDeeplink:url
-                                withSourceBundle:options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey]];
+     [AirbridgeRN.deeplink handleURLSchemeDeeplink:url
+                                withSourceBundle:options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey]];
.     return YES;
. }
. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application
.             openURL:(NSURL*)url
.   sourceApplication:(NSString*)sourceApplication 
.          annotation:(id)annotation
. {
-     [AirbridgeRN.instance handleURLSchemeDeeplink:url
-                                withSourceBundle:sourceApplication];
+     [AirbridgeRN.deeplink handleURLSchemeDeeplink:url
+                                withSourceBundle:sourceApplication];
.     return YES;
. }

When targeting iOS 8.x or earlier, also make the following changes.

. -  (BOOL)application:(UIApplication*)application
. continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity*)userActivity
.   restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray* _Nullable))restorationHandler
. {
-     [AirbridgeRN.instance handleUniversalDeeplink:userActivity.webpageURL];
+     [AirbridgeRN.deeplink handleUniversalLink:userActivity.webpageURL];
.     return YES;
. }

Update 0.2.X → 1.X.X

Reinstalling the Airbridge SDK

Unlink the old version of the SDK.

react-native unlink react-native-airbridge-bridge

Follow the steps below when an error occurs with react-native unlink react-native-airbridge-bridge

  1. (Android) Modify android/app/src/main/java/.../ as below.
- import com.reactlibrary.AirbridgeBridgePackage;
. @Override
. protected List<ReactPackage> getPackages() {
.     return Arrays.<ReactPackage>asList(
+         new MainReactPackage()
-         new MainReactPackage(),
-         new AirbridgeBridgePackage()
.     );
. }
  1. (iOS) Open ios/xxx.xcodeproj.
  2. (iOS) Remove AirbridgeBridge.xcodeproj in Libraries

Uninstall the old version of the SDK.

npm uninstall react-native-airbridge-bridge

Install the new version of the SDK.

npm install --save airbridge-react-native-sdk

Link the new version of the SDK.

react-native link airbridge-react-native-sdk


Modify index.js as below.

- const Airbridge = require('react-native-airbridge-bridge');
+ import Airbridge from 'airbridge-react-native-sdk';

build.gradle (Android)

Modify android/app/build.gradle as below.

. dependencies {
.     ...
-     implementation 'io.airbridge:sdk-android:1.5.+'
-     implementation ''
.     ...
. }

AndroidManifest.xml (Android)

Modify android/app/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml as below.

permission (Android)
-     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
-     <uses-permission android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
.     <activity android:name=".MainActivity"
+         android:launchMode="singleTask"> (Android)

Modify android/app/src/main/java/.../ as below.

- import io.airbridge.*;
. @Override
. public void onCreate() {
.     super.onCreate();
-     AirBridge.init(this, "[APP_NAME]", "[APP_TOKEN]");
+     AirbridgeRN.init(this, "[APP_NAME]", "[APP_TOKEN]");
.     ...
. } (Android)

Modify android/app/src/main/java/.../ as below.

+ import co.ab180.airbridge.reactnative.AirbridgeRN;

+ public class MainActivity extends ReactActivity {
+   @Override
+   public void onNewIntent(Intent intent) {
+       super.onNewIntent(intent);
+       setIntent(intent);
+   }

Podfile (iOS)

Modify ios/Podfile as below.

target '[프로젝트 이름]' do
-   pod 'AirBridge', '1.6.2'

Run the command below in terminal.

pod install

AppDelegate.m (iOS)

Modify ios/.../AppDelegate.m as below.

- #import <AirBridge/AirBridge.h>
+ #import <AirbridgeRN/AirbridgeRN.h>
.           - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application 
. didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions 
. {
-     [AirBridge getInstance:@"APP_TOKEN" appName:@"APP_NAME" withLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
+     [AirbridgeRN getInstance:@"APP_TOKEN" appName:@"APP_NAME" withLaunchOptions:launchOptions];
.     ...
. }
. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application
.             openURL:(NSURL *)url
.             options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options
. {
-     [[AirBridge instance] handleURL:url];
+     [AirbridgeRN.instance handleURLSchemeDeeplink:url withSourceBundle:options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey]];.
.     return YES;
. }
. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application 
.             openURL:(NSURL *)url
.   sourceApplication:(NSString *)sourceApplication 
.          annotation:(id)annotation
. {
-     [[AirBridge instance] handleURL:url];
+     [AirbridgeRN.instance handleURLSchemeDeeplink:url withSourceBundle:options[UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsSourceApplicationKey]];
.     return YES;
. }

When targeting iOS 8.x or earlier, also make the following changes.

.   - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application 
.  continueUserActivity:(NSUserActivity *)userActivity
.    restorationHandler:(void (^)(NSArray * _Nullable))restorationHandler
. {
-     [[AirBridge instance] handleURL:url];
+     [AirbridgeRN.instance handleUniversalDeeplink:userActivity.webpageURL];
.     return YES;
. }