SDK Installation

Package Installation

Install airbridge-expo-sdk and airbridge-react-native-sdk using npm.

npm install --save airbridge-expo-sdk@2.3.0
npm install --save airbridge-react-native-sdk@2.4.0


Airbridge Expo SDK does not support expo go environments. Please use it with expo prebuild or eas build.

Project Setup


Add following setting to your app.json file.

  "expo": {
    "plugins": [
          "appName": "APP_NAME",
          "appToken": "APP_TOKEN"


APP_NAME can be found at the "Airbridge dashboard → Settings → Tokens → App Name".
APP_TOKEN can be found at the "Airbridge dashboard → Settings → Tokens → App SDK Token".


  1. Create an airbridge.json file in the project folder.
  2. Configure settings in JSON format.


    "sessionTimeoutSeconds": 300,
    "autoStartTrackingEnabled": true,
    "userInfoHashEnabled": true,
    "trackAirbridgeLinkOnly": false,
    "facebookDeferredAppLinkEnabled": false,
    "locationCollectionEnabled": false,
    "trackingAuthorizeTimeoutSeconds": 0,
    "sdkSignatureSecretID": "YOUR_SDK_SIGNATURE_SECRET_ID",
    "sdkSignatureSecret": "YOUR_SDK_SIGNATURE_SECRET",
    "logLevel": "warning"


sessionTimeoutSecondsNumber300An app open event will not be sent when the app is reopened within the designated period.
autoStartTrackingEnabledBooleantrueWhen set to false, no events will be sent until Airbridge.state.startTracking() is called.
userInfoHashEnabledBooleantrueWhen set to false, user email and user phone information are sent without being hashed.
trackAirbridgeLinkOnlyBooleanfalseWhen set to true, deep link events are sent only when app is opened with an Airbridge deep link.
facebookDeferredAppLinkEnabledBooleanfalseWhen set to true and the Facebook SDK is installed, Facebook Deferred App Link data is collected.
locationCollectionEnabledBooleanfalseWhen set to true, location information is collected. (Android Only)

Two permissions must be allowed in AndroidManifest.xml
trackingAuthorizeTimeoutSecondsNumber0When timeout is set, Install event is delayed until Request tracking authorization alert is clicked. (iOS only)
sdkSignatureSecretIDStringnullProtects against SDK spoofing. Both sdkSignatureSecretID and sdkSignatureSecret values must be applied.
sdkSignatureSecretStringnullProtects against SDK spoofing. Both sdkSignatureSecretID and sdkSignatureSecret values must be applied.
logLevelStringwarningAdjusts the log record level for Airbridge.
logLevel: "debug" | "info" | "warning" | "error" | "fault"

Testing the SDK

Check if install events are sent when the application is installed and opened.

Check in the Airbridge Dashboard

Events from the Airbridge SDK are shown at the "Airbridge Dashboard → Raw Data → App Real-time Logs".

  1. Go to "Airbridge Dashboard → Raw Data → App Real-time Logs".
  2. Search for the device's ADID (IDFA, IDFV, GAID).

Logs may be delayed for up to 5 minutes.

Deep Link Setup

Dashboard Setup

Please refer to the guides below to setup your deep links in the Airbridge dashboard.

  • iOS Deep Link Dashboard Setup Guide
  • Android Deep Link Dashboard Setup Guide

Project Setup


Add the following settings to your app.json file.

  "expo": {
    "scheme": "YOUR_SCHEME",
    "android": {
      "intentFilters": [{
        "autoVerify": true,
        "action": "VIEW",
        "data": { "scheme": "https", "host": "" },
        "category": ["BROWSABLE", "DEFAULT"]
      }, {
        "autoVerify": true,
        "action": "VIEW",
        "data": { "scheme": "https", "host": "" },
        "category": ["BROWSABLE", "DEFAULT"]
      }, {
        "autoVerify": true,
        "action": "VIEW",
        "data": { "scheme": "http", "host": "" },
        "category": ["BROWSABLE", "DEFAULT"]
      }, {
        "autoVerify": true,
        "action": "VIEW",
        "data": { "scheme": "http", "host": "" },
        "category": ["BROWSABLE", "DEFAULT"]
    "ios": {
      "associatedDomains": [


YOUR_SCHEME can be found at the "Airbridge dashboard → Tracking Link → Deep Link → URI Scheme".


Register a function that will be called whenever a deep link or a deferred deep link opens the application.

import Airbridge from 'airbridge-react-native-sdk'

Airbridge.deeplink.setDeeplinkListener((deeplink) => {
    // code that will run when app is opened with deep-link or deferred-deep-link
    // deeplink = YOUR_SCHEME://...


If you call setDeeplinkListener multiply, only last listener will receive deeplink.

Custom Domain Setup (Optional)


Add the following settings to your app.json file.

  "expo": {
    "android": {
      "intentFilters": [{
        "autoVerify": true,
        "action": "VIEW",
        "data": { "scheme": "https", "host": "YOUR_DOMAIN.YOUR_DOMAIN.example" },
        "category": ["BROWSABLE", "DEFAULT"]
      }, {
        "autoVerify": true,
        "action": "VIEW",
        "data": { "scheme": "http", "host": "YOUR_DOMAIN.YOUR_DOMAIN.example" },
        "category": ["BROWSABLE", "DEFAULT"]
    "ios": {
      "associatedDomains": [
    "plugins": [
          "customDomains": [


YOUR_DOMAIN.YOUR_DOMAIN.example can be found at the "Airbridge dashboard → Tracking Link → Domain Setting → Custom Domain".

Test Deep Link

Click on your URI scheme to test if your deep link has been properly set up in the Airbridge SDK.


The results will show on the "Airbridge dashboard → Raw Data → App Real-time Log" tab if everything is working.

User Setup

Please refer to this guide.

Device Setup

Please refer to [this guide](

Event Setup

Please refer to this guide.

Advanced Setup

SDK Signature Setup

Protection against SDK spoofing is possible once you set your SDK Signature.
This feature is available for the Airbridge Expo SDK v2.2.0 and Airbridge React Native SDK v2.3.0 and above.

Add the following lines in the airbridge.json file.

    "sdkSignatureSecretID": "YOUR_SDK_SIGNATURE_SECRET_ID",
    "sdkSignatureSecret": "YOUR_SDK_SIGNATURE_SECRET"


Please ask your CSM for the "SDK Signature Secret ID" and "SDK Signature Secret" values.

Other Advanced Settings

Please refer to this guide.


Update v1.X.X → v2.0.0

The previous event API has been deprcated and replaced with the new API below.

 * Send event to server.
 * @param {string} category event name
 * @param {EventOption} [option={}] event options
trackEvent(category: string, option?: EventOption): void;

Refer to the Expo SDK 2.1.0 Migration Guide for details.