Flutter Hybrid App Integration Guide

There are several plugins you can use for webviews in Flutter. Since different methods are used for different plugins, Airbridge provides a javascript interface to use with the plugins.


var webInterface = Airbridge.createWebInterface(
      webToken: 'YOUR_WEB_TOKEN',
      postCommandFunction: (arg) {
        return """..."""; 

YOUR_WEB_TOKEN can be found at the Airbridge dashboard -> Settings -> Tokens -> Web SDK token.

abstract class AirbridgeWebInterface {

  String get script;

  void handle(String message);

The javascript interface can be utilized through the return of AirbridgeWebInterface.

Use Cases

Below are use cases for two plugins with Airbridge.

webview_flutter Package Link

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
	WebViewController controller = WebViewController()
  return WebViewWidget(controller: controller);

void setJavascriptInterface(WebViewController controller) {
  String initChannel = 'INIT_CHANNEL_NAME';
  String handleChannel = 'NATIVE_CHANNEL_NAME';

  var webInterface = Airbridge.createWebInterface(
    webToken: 'YOUR_WEB_TOKEN',
    postCommandFunction: (arg) {
    return 'window.$handleChannel.postMessage($arg);'; 

    onMessageReceived: (message) {

    onMessageReceived: (message) {
  1. web interface 를 생성한다. postCommandFunction 에 app 으로 native channel로 메세지를 보내는 javascript 를 작성한다.
  2. WebViewWidget 초기화 시점 문제로 init channel 을 생성하여 초기화 시점에 callback 을 받도록 한다.
  3. native channel 을 생성한다.
  4. 초기화 시점에 controller.runJavaScript(webInterface.script); 호출 하여 javascript 를 inject 한다.
  5. native channel 로 도착한 메세지를 webInterface.handle(message.message); 을 통해 native SDK 로 전달한다.

flutter_inappwebview 바로가기

  1. Create a web interfrace. Use a javascript in postCommandFunction that sends a message to the native channel with the app.
  2. To resolve WebViewWidget's initialization timing, create an init channel and perform a callback when initialized.
  3. Create a native channel.
  4. Call controller.runJavaScript(webInterface.script); upon initialization and inject the javascript.
  5. Use webInterface.handle(message.message); to forward the message received by the native channel to the native SDK.

flutter_inappwebview Package Link

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
  webInterface = Airbridge.createWebInterface(
    webToken: 'YOUR_WEB_TOKEN',
    postCommandFunction: (arg) {
    return """window.flutter_inappwebview.callHandler('postMessage', $arg);"""; 

  return InAppWebView(
    key: webViewKey,
    initialUrlRequest: URLRequest(url: Uri.parse("YOUR_WEB_URL")),
    onWebViewCreated: (controller) async {
      controller.addJavaScriptHandler(handlerName: 'postMessage', callback: (args) {
        return args;
    initialUserScripts: UnmodifiableListView<UserScript>([
        source: webInterface.script, 
        injectionTime: UserScriptInjectionTime.AT_DOCUMENT_START)
  1. Create a web interface. Use a javascript in postCommandFunction that sends a message to the native channel with the app.
  2. Register a native javascript handler through controller.addJavaScriptHandler() upon InAppWebView's onWebViewCreated.
  3. Forward the message to the native SDK through a webInterface.handle(message.message); callback.
    To resolve WebViewWidget's initialization timing, create an init channel and perform a callback when initialized.
  4. Inject webInterface.script through InAppWebView's initialUserScripts. Use UserScriptInjectionTime.AT_DOCUMENT_START for the injection time.